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» Listings for 2014

  1. Hi everyone, here is fabulous Hallowe'en and Autumn themed project for you - fabric pumpkins!

    You will need: orange fabric 8inch x 16 inch, brown for the stork, 3 inch by 4 inch, stuffing, cord or jute string, hot glue gun & a needle with a big eye.

    fabric pumpkin free project diva crafts (1)

    Step 1: fold the fabric in half and sew the short edge. With a running stitch gather the bottom edge, pull up tight and fasten off, do the same with the top, fill with stuffing.
    fabric pumpkin free project diva crafts (2)
    Step 2: take the string ( use it double if you want to), start at the top and go through the middle, out at the bottom and then back in at the top ( so the string shows on the outside of the pumpkin, repeat this 6 times, making sure the 'segments' are equally spaced.
    fabric pumpkin free project diva crafts (3)
    Step 3: take the fabric for the stork, fold in half and sew then turn right side out, stuff and sew the bottom edge. And then with a hot glue gun (you can sew if you'd rather) stick the stork in the top of the pumpkin. You can always make different sizes, have a look at the ones below, I even made one using hologram fabric!
    fabric pumpkin free project diva crafts (4)
    fabric pumpkin free project diva crafts (5)
    fabric pumpkin free project diva crafts (6)
  2. Hi everyone, here is a super quick and easy mini project for you. How to make a fab autumn wreath using only small squares of fabric, some ribbon and a knitting needle or the 'wrong' end of a crochet hook.

    autumn wreath free mini project diva crafts (1)

    All you need to do is cut your fabric into small squares, this is a great way to use up scraps!, and simply push them into the polystyrene wreath using a knitting needle or the end of the crochet hook and they will fold up once stuck in, and look really pretty. Simply fill the wreath up and add a ribbon bow and tie so you can hang it up! A great project to do with children or whilst watching the TV!

    autumn wreath free mini project diva crafts (2)

  3. Hi everyone, we have a fab quick mini Hallowe'en themed project for you, this one is great if you have children and free from mess!. You will need: a clean jar, a bandage, goo goo eyes and some glue.

    mini project spooky mummy jar halloween diva crafts (1)

    All you have to do is: wrap the bandage around the jar and seal in place with some glue. Stick on the goo goo eyes. Super simple, we added a little battery powered tealight to make him glow. Happy crafting!

    mini project spooky mummy jar halloween diva crafts (2)


  4. Sundae Glass Pin Cushion Project

    You will need: sundae glass (I picked this up super cheap at a boot sale), fabric, glue gun, wadding, needle & thread plus trimmings.

    sundae glass pin cushion free project diva crafts (1)

    Step 1: for the pin cushion, cut a circle of fabric, gather the edge and stuff with wadding,
    a drop of glue will secure in the bottom of the dish.

    sundae glass pin cushion free project diva crafts (2)

    Step 2: glue your trimmings around the edge, I used a wide lace, then a beaded trim, and finished
    off with a flower trim.

    sundae glass pin cushion free project diva crafts (3)

    Step 3: Glue your little cushion in and you're all done! super quick and easy.
    sundae glass pin cushion free project diva crafts (4)